Campaign Manager - Segments

Nested Groups

It is possible to nest Groups within other Groups, this allows you to build more complex Segments.

This can be illustrated by expanding the example used on the Adding Groups page.


We want to find all Households in the South West, with a male customers over 40, who placed an online order in 2016. This is a complex question and involves 3 different levels of query, Household, Customer and Order

Firstly, as with all segments, set the Segment document resolution level, being what you want the final count to be, i.e. Household. As this is the final resolution, add any segments rules that apply to this level. The Regions field is on the Household table so in this case add a query rule of Regions = South West:


The next step is to add a Group at a resolution level of Customer to select Male customers over 40 using the following rules:

Finally a further Group is added below this Group at a resolution level of CustOrder. Note that this group is nested inside the Costumer Group and selects Orders placed online in 2016:


And when calculated, this will look like this with the counts for each rule and group clearly visible:


Groups can be rearranged as required, see Re-arranging Rules and Groups.

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